I have several other projects that demand my time, and I will let this blog shut down, and I will get around to deleting it in the next few days, after I have archived everything at home.
My other projects are:
Thunder Pig.....This is my Primary Blog. If I'm not blogging here, something serious is keeping me from an internet connection!!!
West Carolina Report, and associated blog....This is my newest project. I have created a Drudge-clone for reporting headlines of local and sate news. I have the main page up and running, and will have four other pages up within the next 90 days, if all goes according to schedule.
WNC Citizens Blog....This is perhaps an earlier incarnation of what I am attempting at WCR, but I plan on keeping it around, an use it for community blogging, and to train future bloggers as it is a Group Blog.
I also have a Photo Blog, which I occaisionally neglect.
I am a member of The 910 Group, and if you want to pitch in, and try to stop the bleeding of Western Civilization, you are welcome to check it out, and consider joining, sending your curiculum vitae as directed at the website.
I guess you could say I went from wanting to blog about World War IV, to being depressed about our lack of progress (or even acknowledgement), and not blogging about it. Then one day this past fall, a movement was born out of synchronicity.
So, instead of blogging about World War IV, (I've been drafted by my desire to do something) I have decided to join the fight.
These years are the St. Crispins Day years. Won't you join us, and make a difference?
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