Thunder Pig Journal
An Online Journal

Irsael's Problem 'In The Air'

Kassam Rocket Launch
Kassam Rocket

Donald Sensing reports on Israel's problem with Hezbollah, a key portion is below to entice you to go read the article and follow his links.

Here is a key point: asked about the utility of an international force in southern Lebanon to stand between Israel and Hezbollah, peres replied,

They are mistaken. The confrontation is not on the ground. It is in the air. If these U.N. forces can stop Hezbollah from firing missiles and rockets, that is one thing. If they are going to fight Hezbollah, fine. But there is no point to have people on the ground to observe the missiles flying overhead. That is useless.

That is why Israel must press on to the bitter end in destroying Hezbollah as a highly lethal threat to Israel's hme territory. Hezbollah itself, as an organization, will survive and recontitute to some level after Israel's offensive actions cease. But a defanged Hezbollah that is incapable of launching increasingly long-ranged, increasingly deadly rockets at Israel's cities is infinitely preferable to what Israel faces today.

This means, of course, that the war cannot be ended on the basis of the status quo ante bellum. If the status quo had been tolerable to Israel, it would not have counter-struck last week. Besides, the status quo was changed by Hezbollah when it raided across the border, killed several Israeli soldiers and kidnaped two. It may be allowable, as some have observed, that hitting Israeli troops is a military, not terrorist, operation, but so what? It only means that Israel's military response is even more justifiable.


Why does Israel seem not to have the right to prosecute their wars to the logical conclusion, like we did during the Second World War?



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