Thunder Pig Journal
An Online Journal

The Beginning

The war for me began early in the morning of September 11th, only I didn't know who I was fighting against.
I was very afraid that they were home-grown. I wished with every fiber of my being that they weren't. The aftermath of the OKC bombing had resulted in the decimation of the militia movement, which had been a check on government power.

I didn't agree (still don't) with most of their philosophies, my feelings were that they were just exercising their 1st and 2nd amendment rights under the U.S. Constitution, and maybe, just maybe, protecting them as well.
Those that crossed the line were inevitably brought to justice.

All the over-reaction by the Clinton Administration did was drive the survivors underground, and fed the Conspiracy Theorists and Hate Mongers the very thing they fed upon: validation of their (inflated) power, distrust of a strong federal government actively watching its citizenry.

The Sick Fantasy Worlds of What If...

If September 11th had been perpetrated by local boys, I believe that we would be now waging a low-grade civil war in America today, with infrequent acts of terrorism and retaliation hogging the news cycle, and George W. Bush would have been resoundingly defeated in Nov 2004. And, perhaps even more important, the terrorists over seas would have been strengthened and given much comfort in our distress.

But it did not turn out that way.

The idea that out government, elements of or behind our government, or even of the Mossad perpetrating this act is absolutely preposterous.
I believe that no one really believes this who is an American citizen because there could only be one logical response: rebellion and sedition. Anyone who says otherwise is blowing smoke up your posterior or is mentally deficient (possibly both).
However, those that claim it is so do not believe it. It merely serves their dark purposes to promote whatever flavor of vomit they wish to spew.

In the Real World

In the real world, we have identified those responsible. The one who carried it out are awaiting final justice at the Hands of the Creator. 'nuff said.

We removed the Taliban from rule in Afghanistan, and continue mopping up operations while a fledgling government is brought forth.

We removed Saddam Hussein from his murderous perch in a very strategic location in the Middle East. We are mopping up the dregs, and providing history's largest ambush ever: The Flypaper Strategy. Terrorists and Wannabe Terrorists are forced into the open and killed, captured, or identified for tracking. Say what you will, intentional or not, it is working. The terrorists are too stupid to realise all they have to do is NOT ATTACK. Then, we WILL BE FORCED to leave.

Will we be attacked again?
Where will we go next?

I am no oracle.

I cannot tell you with any certainty. I can tell you what I think and what I wish, what I feel. I can even point my finger and say, "That government is not our friend, this one over there is our enemy and given the proper tools (and a Brain) will strike us down, this group of like-minded individuals in America wishes our downfall."

I will say all that and more.

I will not be politically correct.

Comment Policy

Have at it. As this is my house, what I say goes as far as crossing the line of decency. I am tolerant of other opinions, but not of threats of actual physical violence. Name calling will not cause you to be deleted, but that is really a thing for children at recess, not adults in conversation.

My situation only allows me perhaps a couple of hours between 3am and 6am to surf, and I'll try to be available for discussions in the comments section, and will try to post more missives as opportunity allows.


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